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How interactive screens help learning in the classroom

Classrooms today employ a range of cutting-edge technologies to help students and enhance their academic performance, while also making teaching more enjoyable and engaging. Interactive screens for classrooms provide technological advances that enhance the effectiveness of each lesson you teach.

We could not help but observe the number of early technologies in classrooms that were adapted and are still widely employed to this day. Check out some landmarks in the field of technology in classrooms:

1971 1971: In 1971, the University of Illinois introduced the PLATO IV terminal. It was the first touch screen computer for classrooms.

1993: Apple built and sold the first touchscreen PDA (personal digital assistant) device dubbed Newton MessagePad 100. Newton MessagePad 100, which included a stylus to control the device along with handwriting recognition software.

1999 Interactive Whiteboard The board is connected to a computer via an electronic projector, which allows presenters to modify the display’s images using pen. Presently Panasonic’s Panaboard along with the PB1 Series Interactive displays bring interactive to the next level with the PB1 offering precise pixel-by pixel.

2007. Apple introduced the iPhone with an innovative touchscreen interface, which was entirely touchscreen-based. In conjunction the Apple App Store, it changed the way that people utilize touchscreens today.

2007. The Surface, a top-of-the-line tabletop with a graphical touchscreen was designed by Microsoft.

2010 Tablet: Many expect that the tablet will be the next staple in classrooms because of its portability and versatility. In the year 2010, Apple began selling its flagship tablet that is the iPad. Then, a variety of rivals, such as Samsung, Microsoft, Google and Amazon began building and selling their own tablets.

Improved Interaction and Collaboration

Interactive displays promote active learning through engagement opportunities, and create an efficient classroom environment for administrators and teachers. The display of slides and videos can be improved to allow students to be involved in learning. With these updated and more varied activities, teachers encourage active learning. Multi-touch features let group of learners edit the content on screen as a group and brainstorm ideas. Students can play around and show their findings to the other students in the class.

More Engaging Students

Students who are in classes using interactive touchscreens are typically more active and attentive. This is evident across all levels of education and is accompanied by improvements to participation as well as motivation and cooperation.

Support for all Learning Styles

The lessons that let students utilize the board lets students get active by standing and moving as they learn. Multimedia and videos are excellent for auditory and visual learners. Teachers can record and save notes made on the screen to hand out to students who gain knowledge through reading. This provides an opportunity to learn at home or at the pace of one’s choice. The assistive technology integrated into interactive displays can aid students with disabilities by providing captions, text highlighters and also by using text-to-speech software.

Touch screens can create an welcoming classroom as they assist students who have special needs, such as physical limitations, since the use of a keyboard and mouse isn’t always easy. The arthritis of some causes problems using a mouse and keyboard, but using stylus, or ‘touch’ could be simpler and provide similar outcomes.


Interactive displays provide effective and tracked feedback. If students get more feedback, their learning environment improves. Through timely and regular feedback, students are able to are able to learn faster.

Classroom Management

Touch screen interactive displays assist students stay focused and productive. If students are more involved they tend to be less disruptive. The most engaging and exciting lessons, when designed effectively will entice students and draw their the attention of. Effective tools like timers, games that incorporate animation as well as noise level meters can create an engaging classroom.


Interactive displays help in the way teachers communicate with students. When displays aren’t being used, media specialists and IT experts in the school may use them to relay important messages like emergency warnings. In the situation of an emergency, interactive displays could provide alerts to convey vital information. In order to improve communication in your school, select an interactive display for your classroom. It will allow you to display Rise Vision on it when it’s not in use.

Easy of Use

User-friendliness is among the most crucial aspects when creating touchscreens. This user-friendly approach doesn’t require a lot of concentration when in comparison to a keyboard and mouse setup. Interactive displays shouldn’t require any additional training, other than the tools and software that are included with every display.


Like all other tasks, speed is akin to the work in hand. Teachers who use these devices are seeking effectiveness in their teaching. The traditional keyboard and mouse can be used for quick clicks and drags, however the precision of clicks is enhanced by using the use of a stylus. A finger placed on a display with a touch screen can affect the accuracy of clicks and could cause a delay in lessons in the event that a mistake is committed and has to be rectified.


Interactive displays make use of glass that is coated with a substance that blocks dirt and smudges from adhering to the display. This is why teachers are able to incorporate classroom interaction with students to utilize technology as an educational opportunity. After the lesson has been completed , and prior to the next one, the screens are easily cleaned.

Are learning environments improved?

Everyone agrees that Interactive touch screens can create an enjoyable classroom. Teachers grab the attention of students and make sure that students are active. This creates a more the classroom more cohesive. With active learning that supports learners of all methods, teachers can include innovative lesson ideas, like games, videos, and lively discussions using annotations on screen. These displays are simple to use, don’t require any hardware knowledge and are easy to use. The question isn’t, “how are interactive displays useful,” the question is how quickly can we incorporate these displays into our classrooms.

Interactive displays are among the tools that can bring benefits for your class.